
The COVID-19 Crisis: 3 Things You Can Do To Help Get Through It

3 Things to Help YouGet Through the COVID19 Crisis

We think it’s safe to say that nobody envisioned a summer like this one. Back in March, most of us thought that COVID-19 would be long gone by now. And yet, here we are still wearing masks and social distancing, wondering when – and if – we’ll be able to resume our former lives.

Getting through this challenging time is hard but not impossible by any means. Here we’re sharing three things you can do to help make it manageable.

Take Care of Yourself Physically

The threat of catching it COVID-19 is still very real. You need to stay vigilant about protecting yourself. As you’ve heard a million times by now, wear a mask in public, keep your distance from others, and wash your hands.

With summer here, it’s tempting to loosen up on some of the social distancing rules. Lots of people love to entertain in the summertime, which you can still do in a socially distanced way. Instead of hosting indoors, keep social events outside and limit the number of people. If you have people over, make sure you have hand sanitizer, gloves, and antibacterial wipes handy for guests. If you’re attending a get-together, it’s good to bring gloves and hand sanitizer just to be safe.

Aside from taking those precautions, you should also focus on taking care of your immune system. Having a strong immune system can help make you less susceptible to contracting COVID-19. Eating healthy foods loaded with vitamins and minerals can help boost your body’s defense. Our blog has several articles with advice on how to eat healthier for you to check out for reference. Exercising and getting good sleep are also vital parts of protecting your immune system.

Take Care of Yourself Emotionally

We’re living through a very turbulent time, so it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed. It’s important to be mindful of your emotional and mental wellbeing because stress can take a toll on your immune system. Not only that, but going through the motions every day is that much harder if you’re feeling down. There are a lot of free and relatively simple ways to take care of your mental health. Many people find meditation, journaling, yoga, and exercise help reduce stress, improve their mood, and quell anxiety. It can also help to confide in a friend or family member to share what you’re feeling and experiencing.

Self-care has become a wellness buzzword, but don’t let that fool you to think it’s just a silly trend. Prioritize care for your emotional health the way you do your physical health. You don’t need to book a stay at an expensive wellness retreat to practice self-care. Practicing self-care means making yourself and your wellness a priority. This could be anything from taking a nap, watching a good movie, soaking in the tub, treating yourself to a favorite snack, or going for a walk on a beautiful trail. Really, it means doing something that will make you feel good emotionally and/or physically. You’ll be surprised to see how much better you feel and how much easier it is to manage stress when you do little things to care for yourself.

Take Care of Others

We’re all in this struggle together. Now more than before, we need to show up for people. Caring for others doesn’t mean you have to donate tons of time or money. Small, thoughtful gestures go a long way. Reach out to friends and family members to make sure they’re doing well and lend your ear to them if they’re having a hard time. Doing this means the world to someone struggling. If you have people in your life who aren’t doing well – either physically or emotionally – think of little things you can do to cheer them up and show your support. Offer to run an errand for them, surprise them with a homemade treat, or find another way to show them that you care.

Take your kindness outside of your inner circle and see how you can extend it to your community. A lot of small and local businesses have taken a significant financial hit; giving them your business is one of the nicest things you can do to support your community. In addition to your patronage, support businesses by being patient, kind, and expressing gratitude to employees.

Another way to care for your community is to help the most vulnerable. Donating time, money or goods to local non-profits can help support the people who have been most affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Don’t think you can’t make a difference if you only have a small amount to contribute – every penny, minute, and item you can spare counts and add up over time.

Getting through this pandemic is a group effort. We’re all in the same boat, including us here at Rainbow Restaurant, just trying to do our best to stay positive and make it through. We hope this post was helpful for you. If you’ve found any handy tricks for navigating COVID-19, please comment to share with us.

The next time you are in the area, drop on by for some delicious curbside pickup foods.  Currently serving breakfast and dinner for limited hours.  Give us a call or simply order online!


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