Seven Ways You Can Help Fort Collins in 2021

The year 2020 has brought many people many issues. Topping the list, of course, is the virus that killed thousands, infected millions, and affected the lives of nearly every American. As we move the clock forward and look ahead to the new year, it is a great time to view how we can help our community. Fort Collins has always been here for us; now is a great time to give back and support our beloved community. There are different ways we can accomplish this.

  1. You might consider becoming a “Virtual Volunteer.” If you have a heavy work schedule or if you have other reasons you would like to help from home, the door is wide open. Many businesses in Fort Collins will welcome you. For example, you might volunteer with a non-profit to help write a monthly newsletter. Another idea is that you offer to edit a local business video to help them promote their company. Just put on your thinking cap, evaluate your strong abilities, and offer your assistance.
  2. Fort Collins has many opportunities for you to become a mentor. You might check with a local school in your area and be assigned a child who needs just a little extra love and care to move up the ladder in his/her classroom. If you enjoy helping older people, you might visit a senior citizen community and find an elder who has no family and who could benefit from your attention. Invite the person to go out for a meal once in a while. Welcome the person to your home on special occasions. The possibilities are endless.
  3. If you enjoy working with youth, why not contact the Big Brother Big Sisters of Colorado, Inc. to volunteer your time. They have many children and youth in Fort Collins who need your attentiveness. Many of these young people live in a one-parent home, so your attention will not only brighten their life but also help them in many ways. Most of them improve in their classroom, while others improve with their behavior. All these youth needs is a little extra attention – and you can provide that for them.
  4. The residents of Fort Collins will love you if you organize a “Clean-Up Day.” You will need to plan a date, find a cause, and manage the volunteers. Although it sounds like a lot of work (which it is, but it’s well worth it), you can have several of the volunteers assist you in this project. You might find a park where you can clean up the debris or find a business that needs a storage room cleaned; you might find a school that requires the exterior painted. No matter what, there is always something that needs to be done in our community, and you can be the leader.
  5. If you have a group of friends who want to create a joint effort to help our community, why not organize a food or clothing drive. There are so many families in need. It can be offered at any time of the year. Food is always needed, and clothing is always so greatly appreciated. You will be surprised how many people in Fort Collins will join in volunteering to help in the drive, as well as donating food or clothing.
  6. You can include your entire family with a fun endeavor. It is quite simple. Find a large jar you have stored in your garage. Wash it, so it is clean and shines. Have a meeting with your family. Explain to them that everyone is going to contribute daily to fill that jar with coins. Each day, if several of you pitch in, the jar will be full in no time. Next, take your jar to a supermarket that offers a change machine to count your pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half-dollars (maybe even a dollar here and there). You will be shocked when you see the total and realize your hard work paid off. Now it is time to have another family meeting. This is the fun part, to determine to whom you want to donate the money.
  7. Find a niche that meets your interests. It should be one that will offer you pleasant rewards. For example, if you love dogs, a local dog shelter will welcome you with open arms. You might need to clean their pens, fill the water bowls, wash the pets, or various other projects. However, you will be greatly rewarded by the licking and kisses the animals provide you. If you enjoy working with special needs students, you might volunteer at one of the programs offering activities. You might be asked to feed a child, serve meals, play ball outdoors, be a dance partner, or a variety of other tasks. Whatever you enjoy doing, there is a need for you to fill.


At Rainbow Restaurantwe understand the significance of family, friends, and keeping everyone safe. Order a tasty, healthful take out today. Aside from serving delicious meals, it is our goal to support other local businesses. We are grateful to those who support us. In 2021, we hope that many of our friends in the community will put forth the effort to continue to make Fort Collins the great city it has always been.

5 Ways to Enjoy the Holidays Safely this Year

With Thanksgiving behind us, it’s clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has put a damper on the holiday season, making it more difficult than ever to spend time with family and really enjoy the holidays and all of our favorite traditions. Christmas is around the corner, so you might be looking for creative, safe ways to get together with loved ones.

 Of course, not everyone will be adhering to social distancing guidelines. Maybe your family all work from home, or maybe you’ve all discussed the risks and are willing to take whatever precautions to be together for the holidays. Whatever you choose, just try to do it safely, and be respectful of those who have differing views.

If you’ve chosen to keep your immediate family distanced from any extended family, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of the season. We put together this list of fun alternatives to enjoy the festivities despite the lockdowns and social distancing precautions.

Enjoy Traditions you Can Still Safely Do

Instead of focusing on everything you can’t do this season, think about all the things you normally do, and do them anyway. Even if your dearest family members can’t be there to participate, keeping traditions alive will make this holiday season feel just as real as every other year.

Don’t skimp on decorations. In fact, go all out this year to really spread some holiday cheer. Even if you can’t share it with the whole crew, you’ll be happier having it around you.

If you have traditional meals you or a family member always make, indulge anyway. If it’s your grandmother’s recipe, this is a perfect time to try your hand replicating it.

Send Christmas cards. If that’s something you’ve never done before, this is the best time to start. Plus, since everyone is missing their families this year, they’d certainly appreciate pictures of the ones they’re missing.

No matter what, don’t let the things you’ll be missing out on get you down. Focus on the positive, and make the most out of it!

Enjoy Local Festivities Inspired by the Pandemic

We’re all in this together, and communities everywhere have rallied to create safe alternatives to some our favorite seasonal events and traditions.

Driving through town and looking at Christmas lights is a classic for families every year, and it’s a well-suited tradition for 2020. If you have kids that still want to visit with Santa, look for virtual alternatives, like JingleRing.

Christmas caroling, tree lighting, and other holiday events can be done with safe, social distancing measures as well. If you do choose to participate in any in-person events, be sure to take all precautions, like keeping 6-feet apart, wearing a mask, and washing your hands frequently.

For safe and festive shopping, check out one of the many outdoor or virtual markets throughout Denver this year.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

We’re all used to video conferencing technology by now, and if you aren’t, this holiday season is the perfect time to try it out.

 Grandparents can watch kids open gifts on Zoom; families can even enjoy a holiday feast together with the help of video calling; and families can feel together without actually being together. Seeing family is the most important part of any holiday celebration, so utilizing the tools and technology we have available will allow us all to make the most out of a nontraditional year.

Board games can be played over Zoom as well. Just order a copy of the game for each party that’ll be on the Zoom call, and enjoy a virtual board game night. Of course, this makes it hard to keep an eye on any sneaky cheaters in your family, but it can still be a fun time.

Bake Your Heart Out

Sweet treats are the second most important part of the holidays, right? You have to have an assortment to munch on all month long. Whenever you’re feeling down, bake up some holiday cheer in the form of sugar cookies, holiday cake pops, or pies.

And you can get your whole family involved too! (This would be another fun Zoom opportunity to include the grandparents or other extended family members in the fun.) Decorating cookies is a great holiday tradition. Making gingerbread houses can give you a supercharged dose of festivities, because nothing screams “Christmas” like decorating a gingerbread house.

Be Sure to Set Guidelines

Possibly one of the most challenging parts of this new holiday normal will be defining guidelines with family members. Not everyone may think it’s necessary to stay distant this year. Or older family members might be hurt that you’re unwilling to spend the holidays with them.

Make sure you’re having these conversations early and often. It’s important that everyone is on the same page. If you’re the only one uncomfortable with gathering, ask to be a part of the festivities through Zoom. And if you’ve got a family member who just doesn’t want to be away, have a conversation about risks and safe ways to be together.

All that matters is that you’re open and honest with each other, so everyone can find a way forward.

Look for Any Opportunity to Celebrate

We know that it’s going to be a tough year, no matter what. And that’s why it’s so important that we channel as much energy into celebrating as we can. Will the year look a lot different? Of course. But it’s going to be back to normal in no time, and we can spend the next year making up for all the lost time.

A fun way to celebrate with family can be to plan out your next holiday vacation. It might help ease the sense of loss by looking forward.

Write letters to family, start new traditions, and find joy in all the little things.

At Rainbow Restaurant, we know the importance of family and togetherness, as well as keeping your loved ones safe. Order a delicious, healthy takeout meal to share with your loved ones today.

Five Ways to Support Your Local Small Businesses

Support Your Local Business – Rainbow Restaurant in Fort Collins

Small businesses are hurting with the current situation, and we should do what we can to help! So here are five ways to support your local small businesses.

How To Support Your Local Small Businesses

Everyday life has changed drastically for many this year, and that includes small businesses. One of the most devastating effects of COVID-19 has been the way it’s hurt small and local businesses. Many businesses have had to lay off employees or shut down altogether. Some are barely hanging on, hoping to make it through the next day. 

Small businesses are the backbone of this country. They’re part of what makes communities so special. At the beginning of the pandemic, there was a big push to support local businesses as much as possible. It’s important to continue with that support now and in the following months. These are five easy ways to show your support to the local small businesses in your community.

Shop and eat local as often as possible

Make it a priority to buy from local sellers and eat at independently owned restaurants as often as you can. Operating with reduced hours and spending money on personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitation products have cut into businesses’ profits. The best way you can help business owners offset these costs is to be a loyal, frequent customer.

Chances are you probably already buy from local establishments regularly – which is great. But try to think of how you can amp up your support. Is there something you buy from Amazon or a national chain that you could purchase from a local seller instead? Often the price difference between something sold at Target or on Amazon is only a few dollars cheaper than an independently-owned business.

Spending a few dollars more likely won’t make a huge difference to your finances but significantly impacts the business.

Many of us love online shopping because of the convenience and because it keeps us out of crowds. Many brick-and-mortar businesses have added online shopping to their websites during the pandemic with local delivery and curbside pickup options. Remember to look into this option at locally owned stores before you place your next Amazon order. 

Tip service staff

COVID-19 has taken a big hit on people in the service industry. Many people in the food and restaurant industry (servers, bartenders, baristas, busboys, etc.) were unable to work for weeks and months when restaurants were closed or open for takeout only. The same goes for hairdressers, nail technicians, massage therapists, and estheticians who weren’t able to work until recently. Keep this in mind when you grab a coffee, go out to eat, or get a haircut.

Make it a goal to tip often and generously. Tips make up a considerable portion of service workers’ income. Again, this is another example of how spending a few extra dollars goes a long way. 

Follow the rules

It’s safe to say that most of us have been having a hard year. The stress of the pandemic and all the uncertainty have been weighing heavily on all of us. With that said, we need to remember that everyone is going through a hard time. It’s easy to get caught up in your own emotions and frustrations, but you need to remember to be gentle and patient with others.

If you go to a store or a restaurant, follow their rules and be kind to the staff. As customers, it’s frustrating that many places we like to shop and eat at have reduced their hours and that there’s a longer wait to be seated or enter the store. However, this doesn’t mean that you should take these frustrations out on the cashiers or servers. They’re just trying to do their job, stay safe, and keep us safe.

Small business and restaurant owners and their staff have a lot of things to stress about on their plates. Don’t make a big deal out of little things or make their lives harder than they already are.  

Spread the word

Another way to support your local small businesses is to spread the word. Businesses rely on word of mouth and testimonials. If there’s a store or restaurant that you like, help spread the word to get them more business. Recommend them to your friends and family, share their posts on social media, and take a moment to write positive reviews on Yelp and Trip Advisor.

All of these things are completely free and take little time and effort. However, they can help stores and restaurants attract new clients when they need it most.

Donate to relief funds

Chambers of commerce and non-profits in cities and towns all across the country have been setting up relief funds to support local businesses. If you’re in a position to make a donation, consider contributing to a fund that benefits businesses in your community. Often these fundraisers offer microloans and grants to help businesses with rent/mortgage, payroll, and buying the necessary sanitation and protection equipment needed to follow COVID-19 protocols.

Even if you’re not in a financial position to make a big donation (or any contribution at all), you can still help by spreading the word about these fundraisers in your community.

The businesses in your community have always been there for you: the cafe where you get your coffee, the store where you buy holiday gifts, the restaurant you go to for celebrating your birthday, the bakery you go to for a cupcake after a hard day. These businesses have been in the backgrounds of our lives during life’s good and bad moments.

Now it’s time for us to be there for them in their time of need. Following these steps is a good start to support your local small businesses that you care.

At Rainbow Restaurant we aim to support other local small businesses around us as much possible, and are thankful for those that help to support ours. Come in for a delicious breakfast today!